Case registration time will be from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.
It is mandatory to register the old case at the Registration window.
It is mandatory to show the original and xerox copy of the BPL card and Aadhar card before Registration.
Admitted patients will get the benefit of government schemes like the Ayushman Bharat Yojana. Case registration should be done as per a BPL
card, Adhar card, insurance, or identity card.
Cashless facility of every insurance company is available for the admitted patients
Visiting hours Monday to Saturday - 5 to 6 pm, Sundays and holidays - 11 am to 1 pm 4 pm to 6 pm
Co-operate with the security personnel as well as abide by the hospital rules and regulations.
Only 2 visitors will be allowed during the patient's visit time.
One Relative will be allowed to stay with the patient for 24 hours
Visitors should maintain silence in the hospital and avoid unnecessary noise so as not to disturb the patient's comfort. Keep the visit quiet
and at the very least.
Do not bring children to the hospital
Keep mobile phone silent
The patient and relatives will be responsible for their belonging.
Tobacco and cigarettes are strictly forbidden.
Relatives of the patients will get free accommodation at the following places.
Aashray Gruh, Besides Amadupura petrol pump, Ahmedabad